HaPpy Dewali..:)

kepade smue yg mnyambut dewali..HaPpy Dewali ku ucapkan..hope this Dewali light up ur lifes..:) humm..trima le kad dewali nih khas dr ku..:D

Humm..utk pengetahuan smue..ku ceritekn cikit pasai dowg smbut dewali nih...kate kite msyrkat berbilang kaum kn..x salah kite tau serbe sedikit pasai dowg..humm..Dewali nih bmaksud.."Row of Lights" it time filled with light and love..huummm..dwali nih dsmbut 13/14 in the dark half of kartik iaitu dlam bulan oktober or november..time ni ialah time yg dianggap the darkest night of the darkest period..and that is why their celebrate the festival of light..:D Dewali nih bagi tau the triumph of the good over the evil.. huumm..that is the story la..huhuhu..k HaPpY Dewali..

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