tag dr yeppa..;))

Haha…dah bkurun yeppa tag ku..bru rajin jwb..bru de mase..buzy kije..hahah..hokey..

Rules no One ::

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.....

Rules no Two ::

Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
of coz hangin siut..tp nak buat mcm mane..x dapat ah nak tgok muke die lg n bebaik or balik2 smule..nehi hea!!(hindi mari..hehe..)

2. Do you like yourself??
humm..suke..x suke…suke..x suke..hik2..de suke de x..biase lah..mesti mcm kowg2 kn de yg suke de yg x..actually I love my self..bsyukur pe yg ALLAH berikan..

3. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
wwaaa…my dream…hik2..nak
moto TZM..aRRhh!! that my dream darik kecik..hehe..oh kawa ninja..huhu..

second dream..nak bukak tmpat minatang yg bkeliaran..buat beso2..kesian dowg..kucin2 yg terbiar..huhu…jahat betul sape suke sepak kucin..ku nampak owg sepak mmg ku sepak orang 2!! how dare u!!

4. Whose butt would you like to kick?
orang yg sepak n sakitkan binatang..eeii..dushh!!

5. What would you do with a billion dollars?
waa…shock..than koma dah x leh buat ape2 duit 2..tkezut..hehe..just joke..humm..i like..to move it move it..hehe..move to mekah with my family n Chu family..amin…hope I can get it..i love them..pas 2 nak wat umah beso..nak bukak restaurant..uhh..macam2 g..hehehe..

6. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
haha..i wish..but I know we cannot be together..coz u r my bfriend..jauh tul die..

7. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being love by someone…huhu..nice..:D

8. Are you gorgoues?
ape ke salah mengeje rase nih..ishh2..x klu gorgeous sah2 idak…hehe..

9. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

arrhh!! bestnyew..x tau lah pe jd pade ku..hehe..syukur ku panjatkn..heheh...but only in my dream.. ;)) susah nak jumpe die dah.. :(

10. What do you pray each day for your loved one?

doa famly ku sihat selalu..n aruah opah ku yg ku sayang..smoge aman..amin..

11. What takes you down the fastest?
bile ku tgok binatang x berupaye…incident pling ku x tahan burung nih dlam sangkar kaki kene ikat..die tgok kwan2 die terbang die nak terbang tapi kaki tsangkut tjatuh die dlam sangkar 2..waa..sangat2 sedih..x blh bla..klu ku de duit wktu 2..nak ku beli burung2 tu n lepas kn…humm..tragis tul ari 2..

12. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
10 thun g umur ku..tuut..hehe..ku nak kije ku dah stable..de kete..umah..suami biman, btanggungjwb..n anak yg cumel n cihat…

13. Why do you think you are so tensed up..no matter at the office..or at home or in your toilet?
arrh..bilik bru je sapu de rmbut gugur g..eeiii…rimas2..

Umah siap bersihkn cepat je koto balik..uurrhh!!tensen!!

Tmapt ku kat opis dok pindah2 dah mcm “nomad” bongok tul owg 2 tukar tempat ngan aku tp semue tempat die nak!!owg lain pun dpat gak pc baru just need ONE day je nak pindah..x de lak hal smpai beminggu2 nak pindah tmpat..PAGEL!!

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
hah..ini epa haa..belon ungu (kesayangan acit)
:)) jgn mare yeppa..best...frend with epa..rupe die 1 pale ngan ku..first tgok mak ai..muke sombong je ngan kwn2 die..ishh..pas kenal baru tau lain yeppa nih..huhu..de time datang gile mmg gile..de time serius mmg sirius..muah yeppa..

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

Hum..sederhane pun syukur dah with my love…x kisah x kaye raye..klu kaye lg best tp x mau duit yg menyempang!!

16. Who would you like to see the moment you wake up?
tgok hand phone je..dah pukul rape..lambat lak g kije..hahah…

17. What’s the character must have in your partner?
cinta kn ku seadenya…romentik…btangungjwab…biman..can make me haPpy..bla..bla..bla..lagi secret recipe…hehe..

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
ku pilih yg sentiase buat ku gmbire..

19. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
hahah…forgive tah x tau..tp lupekan!! X akan ku lupe kan..ku ingat sampai bile2..when I see u I feel my heart so sick inside…n I don’t want 2 see ur face again in my life..never!!but..jumpe gak sem dpan..arhh!!

20. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
hehe..utk mase hadapan…jadik..having a relationship lew best..hehe..

21. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?aku tukar kepada "Negara apa yang korang teringin sangat nak meninjau?"

nop..famly first…ku x kn lupe kn mak abah ku yg telah mbesarkn ku jadik owg bgune..bgune lah kn..x gune klu jd sampah masyarakat..sampah pun boleh kitar..heheh..

Negare..nak jepun..nak tgok ke kecanggehan dowg..disiplin dowg..n penting nak lajar jd samurai..hehehe…

ku hingin tag kan kepada sahabat2 daku..hehe:






Anonymous said...

jwpn no.18..sape ain?aku kenal kan?alaa yg sape tu name dier..

fa..fa..fafau?eh bukan tu pengacara melodi..

fa..fa..faza?eh bukan jugak..faza dak umah ko..

haaaaa..fa-eeeeeeeeeee (xnk sebut habis)nati kene ketok..suh orang sebut laa..

Anonymous said...

ala eppa.. klu eppa kene ketok, ketok la blk.. org leh tolongg laaa.. :D

acituvwxyz said...

aku x ley terime no.14 tu. huhu

suezen said...

tak leh blah yang no 20 tuh:D

kazars said...

haish...banyak tol ttg kucin dIIer eHH...