27 november ari 2...

Pada tangal 27 nov ari 2..hehehe..tarikh bermakne bagi ku..iya itu beday ku..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comhuhu...tibe suda hari nyew..ayo..makin btmbah umo nih bukan tue..die tmbh jew..heheh...blogger-emoticon.blogspot.compade ari nih lah kat opis, ku d kejutkn dgn suprise from ahli2 d netfision tmpat kijo ku..heheh..wktu ari jadik ku lah kije mnyak gilo..nasib ku x gile.. hehe...dlam kul 5 g 2 kut...ryan (bos) pangil msuk metin..arrhh.. kije mnyak mau pangil g metin..humm..hikut je lah..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.compas 2 ku heran gak yg die suruh metin kat bilik sebelah mmg sepesel utk metin room..selalu kat dlam bilik dio jew..humm..dlam otak ku maybe die nak gune white board nak cunteng2 wktu metin..than ku x detect pew2 lah...huhu..lame beno metin nye...tetibe eppa tsengeh smbil tgok luar bilik..aik? blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comku tkezut lah..tgk luar x de pe2 pun..humm..ku tnye die "ko nape pa?" die kate "x de pe2..aku ngantuk..busan.." humm..ku leh terime lah sbb dio mmg senget..;)) hehe..tetibe..x lame pas 2 tgh dok bincang pasai layout utk web..haa!! "happy birthday 2 u...happy birthday 2 u...(nyanyi)" haaa!! mmg ku tkezut gile bebe..

mmg ku x menyangka cempedak jadik nangke..heheh...ku nih hanye part time jew..bkn staff kat citu..jd ku sedar diri ini sape..x kn nak smbut..heheh...that why i so So shock! bzzz cam kono kezutan letrik jap..heheh..ku pun tiup ah lilin kat kek 2..dlm tkezut2 g 2...hehe.. sbeno nye dah tue2 gini x penah tiup lilin..kcik2 dulu de le..hehe.. last tiup lilin bile x de letrik kat umah pasang lilin..bilo de balik letrik than kene pdam lilin...fuuhh tiup kaci padam..hehehblogger-emoticon.blogspot.comrase syok jew..haha..

hum...dah sudah tiup2 pozing2 harus gi2..hehe..pe g..time 2 cut d cake lah..huhu..ahh..it's look so delicious!! fuh.. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com i really like cheese and chocolate arrhh..nice..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com hehe..cheese and chocolate huumm...that is a good combination |o|..hehe..pandai ryan pilih..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comhumm..after mam abis...pe le lg..suh suhblogger-emoticon.blogspot.com g wat kijo balik..heheh..dah sodap mkn kek hamik ko balik lmbat ku ngan epa..kene selesaikn sbelum metin jumpe client sok..hehe..bailk bos kami atar pas 2 g pekene dulu char kewtiau kat dang wangi...last kul 11.30 ku apai umah..huhuhu..ponat..tapi ari yg best...thanks a lot ryan..and all staff that celebrate my beday..huhu..terharu do..thanks2.. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com nih pozing2 maut dr kami..hehe

EmMm..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com inilah kek ku..cedapnyew..huhu..


with my bos..Ryan(sponser)..thanks ryan..heheh..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

yeppa n k.ira..nih kijo epa..tangkap muke die pnuh..muke ku bis sekorat..penat k.ira suap i..wwaaa...blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

nih lah hasil kije tangan k.ira n yeppa..hehhe..ku kuar blik metin dowg dah ciap lukis..suke2..hehe..mecih muah..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

lalalalaa.... kek ain tu cam pulau.. hehehe... cantik pulak laa org tgk artwork org n eppa tuh.. huhuhu.. thn depan, ain kene wat surprise party tuk org lak.. hehehhe... nnt org bg peta opis n umah... :D

Anonymous said...

ahah..bukan kak ira sorang taw..dier kene pakej..eppa skali kene..

baru laa "tolong..tolong..tolong menolong", kalau tak nati mesti de "something goes wrong somewhere"
